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What is Traditional Chinese Medicine?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient system of health and well being that has been used in China for thousands of years. Unlike traditional western medicine, TCM focuses on an entire well being and ensuring balance, harmony and energy. There are two central ideas to gain complete balance, these are:

Qi (Chee): Life energy. Qi flows through the body through paths and channels. Similar to a river, when the water if flowing everything is at peace, however if there becomes a blockage this disrupts the harmony and balance which can have some negative effects. 

Yin and Yang: These relate to the opposites within our body which describe qualities in which makes up our Qi. 

Yin: relates to the night, dark, cold and negative

Yang: relates to the day, light, warm and positive. 

Balance of these factors are key to our bodies to ensure we create harmony and good flow of Qi around our body. If one thing is off balance we feel the side affects. 

TCM have a variety of practices to help ensure our Qi is flowing normally around our body. These practices include:



Herbal  Medicine

Massage etc. 

Does it work?

A lot of research has gone into TCM to see if the methods really do work compared to traditional western medicine. Despite the extensive research gone into TCM, it is hard to compare as they cannot be studied in the same way. However lots of studies have shown a lot of positives to TCM and is becoming increasingly popular worldwide.

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